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We Celebrate Ana Lopez!

We Celebrate Ana Lopez!

Thank you all for indulging us all week while we thanked everyone who has helped, supported, cried and laughed with us to achieve our 6 Years in Business Celebration. Last, and certainly, not least, is Ana Lopez. Ana is the most important of all, as she has taken care of our kids and home since June of 2005, when we moved here from Ohio.

She began as a nanny for Max at 7 years old. She quickly introduced her son Josh to us and our boys grew up together! They were together every weekend and soon, Josh was named “ our nephew.”

When we adopted Emilie in 2012, I asked her “ who do you know Ana that can take care of Emilie, that baby you met when she/ her family visited when she was a toddler? And responded instantly,” well ME, Mrs. Laurie, ME!” So she then came to our home from the time Emilie arrived at 7 years old and helped us, morning and night. I was traveling on business and Rodney was running our former business. WE COULD NOT HAVE DONE ANY OF IT WITHOUT ANA, JORGE and their family.

They have worked in all of our businesses, and are the first ones to help when we moved ( literally about 7 times), and when each of our boys moved.

If someone is ill or having surgery ( in the community), Paster Jorge and Pastor Ana are there, praying and serving. They are the absolute Gold Standard for a Life of Service.

I will finish by saying, these are the most selfless, loyal, kind people walking this Earth. We are blessed to call them Family. Rodney and I LOVE YOU!