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We Celebrate Mark and Michael!

We Celebrate Mark and Michael!

6 years in business Celebration Continues- we must celebrate those who support us… there are friends and there IS Family. Mark Hicks ( right), has known Rodney for more than years we are willing to count. He was one of Rodney’s friends I met first 26 years ago. He was in our wedding, always always there for us, giving everyone a hard time. At Max’s birth with a magnum of champagne, Christopher’s wedding, my Mom’s funeral. My Boys and Emilie adore him ( he and Michael, his long term life partner) call Em “ DIVA!” . Mark has always treated our boys as his own and he is MAX’s GODFATHER! Through every moment of ups and downs in life and especially in this business, MARK ( and Michael). ARE ALWAYS THERE. Thank you … you are a good part of why we are doing this. We LOVE YOU!