Welcome Craig Bass!

Golden Heart Senior Care was very happy to meet with Craig Bass, corporate franchisor, at 6:45 am this morning. This very busy man, made time to meet with us for 90 minutes as he is in Phoenix this weekend.
We talked about all kinds of things, including expressing our sincere gratitude for his corporate support. Craig has always been supportive-chasing software vendors to make enhancements we are requesting; helping with new marketing materials, etc. Always available and approachable.
Since Craig and Lorri bought the corporate entity 5 years ago, we have had an amazing business collaboration.
Craig has a gift for understanding we are very driven business owners, who do not march to the same drummer as many of his other, very capable franchise owners. We do things our way and he is always supportive and a great sounding board. We often push for new solutions and other things. His response is always” how can we help and support you?”
We are blessed to be owners of this brand whose focus, like ours is superior service delivery for seniors aging wherever they choose to live. Serving 94 zip codes East of I-17.
Thank you Craig for a great meeting!