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Walk to End Alzheimer’s

This is Pam Eisenberg. Pam is the Senior Manager East Valley for The Walk to End Alzheimer’s. I would like to publicly thank Pam for her contribution to the Alzheimer’s/Dementia community. This is Pam standing next to a Walk to End Alzheimer’s group that walked with Golden Heart Senior Care 7 years ago. Pam, we look forward to participating in the walk this November.

For more information on the walk or to make a donation, please contact us at Stay hydrated everyone.

Laurie Malone Education Foundation

Hello Senior Community. As you may know, we are approaching the one-year milestone of Laurie’s passing. Thank each of you who contributed to the Scholarship Fund Last year. We find peace in knowing the Laurie Malone Scholarship Fund raised over $17,000 in 2022 and afforded 8 students with scholarships to further their education. In memory of Laurie, we are continuing to raise awareness and funds for scholarships. If you would like to donate to K2 Adventures Foundation, please use the link below. This link will take you directly to the Laurie Malone Scholarship fund.

On behalf of the Malone Family, we are grateful for your support and keeping Laurie’s memory and dynamic personality alive.

Thank You for Stepping Up, JC!

Sometimes, someone steps up to help and they should be recognized for doing so. JC was at his home doing personal chores. When we phoned him to say that a client has an emergency and we need your help, JC did not hesitate to say I’ll do it. We offer what’s called Bonu$ Reward Points. This is when an employee does something extraordinary, they win points that can later be turned in for cash rewards at Target, Starbucks, Bed Bath and Beyond, Walmart and the likes. JC will receive both a financial bonus and Bonu$ reward point$ for his efforts in helping over the weekend. Thank you JC for stepping up to help. We Heart you at Golden Heart.

Golden Heart Sponsors a CEU

Golden Heart sponsoring a CEU at a hospital. Continuing Education Units are needed in our industry. We will be happy to hold a CEU for you. Please email for more information.

We Are Here for Your Home Care Needs!

Hello Senior Community. As we all know, Covid had an effect on caregivers going to school. All schools were closed for some time and some are just now ramping up. Please see the attached comment by the CEO of HCAOA, “The workforce shortage is more than just a crisis for home care. It is a crisis for our country, its growing older population, and their families who are struggling to find the care they need to keep their loved ones safe and at home,” said Vicki Hoak, CEO of the Home Care Association of America. This is a real fact for the industry.

We would like the community to know that we are staffed. We have enough caregivers to handle every client we have and more. So if you need assistance with home care, please feel free to contact Golden Heart Senior Care at 480.330.1191. We can definitely help with all of your home care needs.

Visiting with Our Wonderful Clients

Getting out to spend face time with clients is the best part of my professional journey. Thank you to those who entrust us to care for your loved ones. It is an absolute honor.



If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in Ahwatukee, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Caregivers are Heroes!

Hello Senior Community. As I was walking into a rehab center, I noticed this sign. This sign got me to thinking. The work of a healthcare professional really is special and important. All caregivers need a little or a ton of this sign in their system. Caregivers really are heroes. Thank you for what you do caregivers. We need you to keep a certain segment of the population safe and independent. We couldn’t do it without you.


If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Scottsdale, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!


Hello Senior Community. Today, I read an article by Beaumont Stroke Center that talked about STROKES, symptoms and reacting that is important to share. There is an easy way to assess if a stroke has occurred. The test is called FAST. This is not a full sage test. This is a test that The Heart Association promotes as a way of detecting stroke symptoms. This is the assessment that goes with the acronym FAST. F- is for facial drooping. Look at the subject to see if there is drooping of the face. Ask the person to smile. A is for arm weakness. Ask the subject to raise their arms above their head. Does one are have more numbness or weakness than the other. S is for stability. Ask the person able to stand. Are their motor skills as they were prior to your concern. Then T stands for talking. Does the subject appear to be slurring words or have difficulty say a sentence like the sky is blue.

Identifying and reacting to any of these symptoms quickly can be crucial to achieving proper treatment for a subject experiencing a stroke. Please remember it is important to react FAST by calling 911.

The acronym FAST can be an important factor to assisting a stroke victim. Knowing the symptoms and reacting quickly is very important to addressing long term symptoms.

Thank You for Being Rock Stars!

Hello Senior Community. When you care for seniors, it takes the help of many. Thank you to these two ladies for doing all that you do and for being the rock stars you are. Our community, our customers and our company really appreciates your dedication to our clients. You two help the lives of many. Keep doing what you do.

We heart you at Golden Heart!

Hello community. As you know, our caregivers are our biggest asset. Having said that, we really enjoy catching people doing the right things right. When we catch them, we are proud to give them rewards that encourages more of that same behavior. Today, we handed out 10 gifts to 6 different caregivers. TB, DC, PGT, TI, CR and DB thank you for making our clients lives just a little bit easier. Your clients love and appreciate your work. And as we say in your gifts, “We heart you at Golden Heart”. Thank you for going over and above.