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Congratulations to Summit Hospice!

In our business of caring for others, you meet some great people working for some great companies. One company that we have shared a lot of street time with is Summit Hospice. When a company you know and respect moves into a new office and has an open house, we support their efforts. I didn’t take enough pictures. To Summit Hospice, I would like to say congratulations on your new space. Your office is beautiful. Your team is well trained. And, your work in the senior community is much appreciated. Congratulations on your new office. Keep helping the community in which we work. Our seniors appreciate your efforts.

Thank You, Maria!

Hello senior care community. When you have someone who does a good job at work, we feel it’s important to recognize them. Our Office Assistant Maria, comes into the office every day with a smile, big energy and a can do attitude. Maria, we are lucky to have you as part of our office team. Enjoy your gift card as a thank you for doing and awesome job and having an awesome attitude. Thank you for all that you do.

We Love Visiting Our Wonderful Clients!

Hello Senior and caregiver communities. I thought I would share a personal thought. For me, there is one thing that is hands down the best part of the job. I will go see any client anywhere at any time as it is my favorite part of what we do. The responsibility of taking care of clients is a very serious honor for us and can be stressful at times depending on the situation. To our clients, all seniors and all caregivers, we love you and we are here to help whenever you need us. Just like this picture included, when you contact us, we will come out to see you and it doesn’t matter where you are. Best wishes to all of you.

Creating a Safe Space for Seniors with Memory Diseases

In creating a safe space for someone with a memory disease, here are a couple of things you should keep in mind. Routine is good. If we can keep the care receiver in a routine of doing very similar things on a daily basis, it may become habit and therefore somewhat easier for the care receiver to mimic. Routine is very helpful for people who have different types of memory issues.

As falls are so important for seniors to eliminate and people with memory issues can struggle with balance and walking at some point, it is important to keep walkways open and unobstructed. When you have walkways open and free, the care receiver can see where to place their feet and they can see if there is a hazard in the way. We recommend that rugs are taken up and that cords are moved to the perimeter of the room as to not cause a tripping hazard. Anything smaller than a two feet square should be removed from the floor if possible.

Additionally, oven and stove monitors are recommended. It is not uncommon for a care receiver to turn on a stove or oven and completely walk away never to return to check on it. The care receiver has a brain disease causing a memory issue. The care receiver should not have use or access to the stove or oven. It also extremely important that the care receiver does not have access to car keys. The care receiver can literally get into the car, drive 200 miles away without an accident and have no idea they have done so. They wont know where they are. Where they live and frequently they cant remember the names of the people they live with. This type of situation can be tragic if not monitored.

Lastly and most importantly the care receiver needs is patience and dignity. They will repeat themselves. They will not remember everything. And frequently, the words they remember most and easiest are the nasty words. We always advise our caregivers that they person is not being nasty. It’s the disease being nasty. The person has no control over what they say and how they say. Especially if they’re sundowning which has nothing to do with the sun.

These are just a few of the issues and opportunities to assist a person with a memory issue or brain disease. For more information, please visit us at

The Importance of Fall Prevention for Seniors

Hello Community,

A very important thing in our lives is fall prevention. A lot of people don’t realize falls is the leading cause of death in seniors over 65. I just read an article that really discussed the importance of preventing falls. I am including a link to this article below. Please review this article. It may help you prevent a loved one or yourself from unnecessary injury. The steps to preventing in home falls is easy and worth the energy it takes to prevent them. Please enjoy this article on Fall Prevention.

Hospice of the Valley Visits Golden Heart Senior Care Scottsdale

We had a speaker in our office the other day from HOV. I would like to thank SS for taking the time to come to help us understand how we can better serve their clients and represent their company as we work for them and their clients. Having said that, there is a particular topic of condition that is really making it’s way to the forefront of senior care. That topic is dementia. Having said that, we would like to share some information and resources. Please read the attached article. Please feel free to phone Golden Heart Senior Care if you have additional questions. The phone number can be found below. Please see the article on the link below.

Caring for a Loved One with Dementia

Hello Dementia Community. As we all learn to care for a loved one with dementia, information can help us understand the why’s that we do not understand. It is important to understand that dementia is a condition of the brain. People will act differently than normal. People will say things that are surprising to loved ones. This is all a part of the condition and what is happening. Please read the attached article below. This article gives some insight into what is happening to the person who has dementia. And please remember, if the person with dementia doesn’t remember us, we still remember them. Have a great week.

Welcome to the Team, KA!

In the world of caregiving, our caregivers are our biggest asset. Please meet KA. She comes to us with over 10 years experience as a CNA. She is doing a fantastic job of caring for her clients. KA, welcome to the team. Keep up your good work and focused efforts. We’re happy you’re here.

Welcome to the Team, Maria!

Hello Community. Please meet Maria. Maria comes to us with medical staffing and scheduling experience. Maria has taken on the position of Office Assistant. She is aggressive and very smart. As she learns more about our business, we are developing high expectations for this young lady. Maria, we welcome you to the team. We look forward to watching you grow with our company and we look forward to you taking on more responsibility. Welcome to the Team.

What Makes You Smile?

Hello Senior Community. Last night while leaving a store, I saw these two things. One I saw as I walked out of a store and one I saw as I was pulling up a couple of streets from my home. The big thing it reminded me of was this, there is lots of beauty in the world. You have to take a moment to see it and recognize it, but there is lots of it there. There was no rain yet there was a rainbow. That reminded me that anything is possible if you imagine it. Then I saw the sunset and it reminded me that everything has beauty if you look for it. So today, my plan is to notice as much beauty and good as I can. I will compliment people when I see it in them. I will notice and appreciate it personally, when I see it in my surroundings. Every time I do this, I find extra reasons to smile. Now, it’s your turn to find a reason to make yourself smile. We all have reasons to smile. We just have to recognize them. Have a great day everyone!
