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Don’t Miss These Leukemia Symptoms

The American Association of Cancer Research has designated September as Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month. Both of these diseases are cancers that affect the blood or bone marrow. By having a month set aside for awareness of these diseases, the hope is to open up more conversations about them, lead to better awareness, and help families recognize the symptoms in time to seek appropriate medical help. Here are a few things to know about leukemia and how senior home care can help.

What is Leukemia?

Leukemia is a cancer that begins within the bone marrow. Bone marrow has stem cells that create the needed blood cells for a body. When leukemia occurs, the bone marrow makes abnormal white blood cells that don’t die when they should. Instead, they continue to live and begin to crowd out the healthy white blood cells, red cells, and platelets. This process makes it difficult for the healthy cells to perform their jobs and the body’s organs suffer.

Symptoms of Leukemia

For elderly adults, leukemia symptoms can come on slowly and mimic many other illnesses, often causing a person to ignore the symptoms for a long period, thinking they’ll just go away in time like a long battle with the flu or a bad cold. Sometimes an elderly person needs to be encouraged to have his long-term symptoms checked because he’s grown so accustomed to them, that they seem normal.

Excessive Bruising and Bleeding

Because leukemia affects the platelets, your loved one may find he’s bleeding more than normal or has bruises appear where he doesn’t recall an injury. Red or purple splotches may appear on the skin caused by bleeding under the skin. Your loved one may discover blood in his stools or an inability to stop bleeding after an injury. Frequent nose bleeds are also common.


The reduction of red blood cells may cause anemia. Anemia can bring on symptoms such as extreme fatigue, dizziness, and pale skin. Your senior home care provider may call your attention to the fact that your loved one seems to lack energy and is looking unwell.

Multiple Infections

From mouth sores to continued bouts with cold-like symptoms could be a symptom of leukemia. If your loved one’s senior home care provider has noticed that your loved one has battled one infection after another, it might be time to bring your loved one in for a check-up even if he’s rebounded after each infection.

Weight Loss

Losing weight without trying is often a sign that something is going wrong with the body. Leukemia can cause weight loss in those who have it. If your loved one’s clothing keeps getting looser and looser, he might be shedding pounds without even realizing it.

Nighttime sweating

If your loved one is complaining about excessive sweating while he’s trying to sleep, it can be a symptom of leukemia, especially when combined with these other symptoms listed.

Treatment Options

Your loved one will work with his doctor to determine the best treatment for his leukemia. Early detection leads to more options for your senior. As he goes through treatment, you might want to consider having a senior home care provider be a part of his support team. A senior care provider can step in and help with chores around the home, prepare meals, or simply be a companion while he’s going through treatment.


If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Ahwatukee, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

How In-Home Care Helps Seniors Who Are Fighting Cancer

It’s always tough when you can’t drop everything to help your mom or dad during an illness, especially when they are going through treatment that can be physically demanding. But if you can’t leave work, have small children that need you, or live too far away to help your senior during their cancer treatment, in-home care can be there to make sure they get the support they need.

Some of the ways that in-home care can help your mom or dad during this difficult time are:

Taking Them To Medical Appointments

When someone is sick the last thing they want to do is have to organize taxis and rideshares to take them to their medical treatment and appointments. If your senior parent has in-home care their care provider can take them to their medical appointments, stay with them, and provide emotional support during tough treatment.

Tempting Their Appetite With Tasty Meals

If your mom or dad has lost their appetite because of their treatment a care provider can tempt them to eat by making all of their favorite meals. And if they can’t eat the foods they want to eat a care provider can make sure that they still get the vitamins and nutrients they need in smoothies or protein shakes.

If your mom or dad is having a difficult time eating a care provider can also pick up any foods that your mom or dad wants to try and get them to eat. They will make sure that your senior parent is eating every day and getting enough water to stay hydrated.

Helping Manage Medications

You senior parent may have a lot of medications to juggle as part of their treatment. A home care provider can remind your senior parent when it’s time to take their medications, make sure they take their medications the right way and in the right doses, and make sure they take them with food if necessary.

They can also pick up prescriptions and medical supplies at the pharmacy, do the grocery shopping, go to the bank or the post office, and run errands.

Providing Company And Support

Having someone in the house that they trust can make your senior parent feel more secure at home. If you can’t be there, having a caregiver they know and trust with them is the next best thing. Your mom or dad will feel better having the emotional support of someone being in the home with them when they don’t feel well.

Household Chores

While your senior parent is in treatment or just not feeling up to it a caregiver can take care of the household chores so that your senior parent has a lovely, clean, and clutter-free home environment. A caregiver can wash the dishes, dust, vacuum, mop, change the linens, wash clothes and towels, and tidy up mail, papers, and other clutter. They can even take the trash out so that your senior parent doesn’t have to worry about anything.

If you or an aging loved one is considering in-home care in Scottsdale, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Managing Incontinence with the Help of Personal Care at Home

Addressing incontinence issues is something that many seniors avoid doing because it’s so embarrassing. The right approach can help aging adults get the support they need to deal with such a sensitive subject, however. Personal care at home can help seniors and family caregivers understand incontinence, find and use the right products, and schedule bathroom visits for best results.

Understand Incontinence

There are so many different possible causes for incontinence. It can affect people of all ages and it can be a temporary condition. Aging, health issues, neurological disorders, and other factors can all influence whether someone is battling incontinence or not. Many people can reverse their incontinence issues simply by dealing with the underlying health issues if that is the cause.

Choose the Right Products

In the midst of the battle with incontinence, the right products matter. The good news is that there are so many different incontinence products available these days for people to try. Adult diapers, pads, and protective underwear could all be part of the plan for helping a senior with continence issues stay dry and clean. What’s most important is that the products fit properly, are comfortable, and that they absorb fluids well.

Prioritize Skin Care

Skin care is incredibly important with incontinence. Exposure to urine can lead to skin irritation and discomfort. It can also get smelly, which is something seniors want to avoid. Frequently changing incontinence products helps quite a lot. There are also gentle cleansing wipes and products that are useful in between showers and baths. Home care providers can help make changing products and caring for skin easier and they can be on the lookout for anything that indicates seniors are experiencing complications from incontinence, like skin sores.

Set up a Bathroom Schedule

A solid bathroom schedule can do so much to help seniors avoid accidents with incontinence. Even if they don’t feel as if they need to go, taking that time for a pit stop every so often helps to keep their bladders empty. Caregivers can set reminders and help seniors have access to facilities when they’re ready for a bathroom break. A set schedule also makes it easier for seniors to do things like continue to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. They might resist doing this for fear of an accident, but regular bathroom breaks mean they’ll be emptying their bladders often throughout the day.

Personal Care at Home Is a Huge Help

Personal care at home is a true partner when dealing with something like incontinence. Personal caregivers understand why this is such an embarrassing issue and they approach it with compassion and respect. They know what types of solutions to suggest and can help seniors get to the bathroom if mobility is a contributing factor to incontinence.

Dealing with incontinence properly means addressing all of the various factors that might be making the situation worse. Personal care at home knows what to watch out for and how to help aging adults deal with the situation safely and sensitively.

If you or an aging loved one is considering personal care at home in Ahwatukee, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

How Can Companion Care at Home Help Seniors Reduce Stress?

Navigating the challenges of aging is not for the faint of heart. Managing stress is a big part of aging gracefully, especially while dealing with health complications and other difficulties. Companion care at home can be a valuable resource for seniors who need and want support and companionship while they deal with the stress of daily life.

Engaging in Meaningful Activities

Feeling as if life has meaning is a huge part of reducing stress levels, particularly for seniors. Simple activities like playing a game or gardening offer seniors something to do, but they also help to keep brains and bodies active and engaged. These activities are a lot easier with someone else around to talk to.

Offering Emotional Support and Companionship

One of the biggest ways that companion care at home helps seniors is to offer emotional support. Seniors often end up feeling lonely and isolated for a variety of reasons. Companion care offers someone who can listen and with whom seniors can build relationships that matter.

Assisting with Small Daily Tasks

Home care providers offer hands-on help with daily tasks, like making meals and light household chores. Companion care at home is slightly different, but they might also assist with some small daily tasks. They can help seniors remember to do specific activities, for instance, like exercising or remembering to eat. If seniors need more help, different types of caregivers can offer that assistance.

Promoting Autonomy and Independence

One source of stress for aging adults is the worry that they won’t be able to continue living their lives on their own terms. Companion caregivers can offer seniors the emotional support they need to remember that there is plenty that they can still do on their own. When seniors feel empowered, they’re more likely to feel as if they still have some control over their lives.

Offering Individual Attention

Sometimes seniors feel as if they get lumped in with everyone else. But companion care at home is there to offer them individual attention according to their own needs. There aren’t any one-size-fits-all plans for the day, and that can be tremendously comforting for seniors.

Improving Safety and Security

Companion caregivers are in a unique position. They’re there to offer companionship and emotional support, but they also understand what life is like for aging adults. They know what to watch out for and what signs could indicate that seniors aren’t living as safely as they could be. This alone is a huge source of stress, both for seniors and for the family members who love them. Companion caregivers can help families to know what’s going on with the seniors they love so that they can take steps to help them be safer when they need to do so.

Companion care at home offers essential companionship and support for seniors, which can go a long way toward reducing stress levels. These caregivers can help in a variety of other ways, too, which keeps seniors happy and healthy for as long as possible.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Mesa, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

10 Things Seniors Can Do Right Now For A Healthier Heart

February is American Heart Month and now is a great time for seniors and their families to take steps for better heart health. Doing things like changing your diet, exercising, and getting more sleep are all great lifestyle changes to make that will improve heart health in the long run. But there are also things that seniors can do right away, with the help of home care assistance, that will also help improve their heart health like:

Walk Around The Block

Exercise is very important to keep your heart healthy. Experts say that seniors should be walking for at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week. But if that’s too much right now, start by just going for a walk around the block. A home care assistance provider can encourage and support your senior on a daily walk when the weather permits.

Add A Vegetable

Seniors should be eating a heart-healthy diet that is mostly made of vegetables, some fruit, and lean proteins. But it can take time to make lasting dietary changes. To get started eating healthier seniors and their families can just add one vegetable to one meal today.

Smoke Two Less Cigarettes

Smoking is terrible for heart health. Seniors who smoke should really try to quit. But, quitting can be a process. Get started by smoking two less cigarettes today. You won’t even notice two less cigarettes, but your heart will.

Schedule A Heart Disease Screening

Schedule a heart disease screening for your senior parent if they haven’t had one yet this year. Seniors should be getting regular checkups and screenings for illnesses like heart disease.

Call A Friend

Stress can contribute to heart disease, and many seniors have stress related to being alone. Seniors who have a strong support network of family and friends who keep them socially connected are less likely to suffer from physical mental health problems. Seniors should try to reduce stress today by calling a friend to chat. Home care assistance can be there to offer companionship and a helping hand when your senior is lonely or spending too much time by themselves.

Skip Dessert

Maintaining a healthy weight is also important for preventing heart disease. Seniors who are overweight may need some time to lose all those extra pounds, but they can start right now by skipping dessert. Seniors who really don’t want to skip dessert can choose a healthier dessert options like fruit, Greek yogurt, or sugar free pudding.

Go To Bed An Hour Earlier

Sleep is also important for heart health. Getting more sleep can lower the risk of developing heart disease. It can also reduce stress, which is good for the heart. Seniors should try going to bed an hour earlier tonight to get more healthy sleep.

Make Something

Working with the hands and making things like painting, knitting, sculpting, sewing, or wood working can reduce stress, provide a sense of purpose, and give seniors a brain boost. It also can lower the risk of heart disease. Encourage your senior parent to get out their parents, pick up some yarn, or even just do some coloring and make something.

Take A Hot Bath

There’s nothing as relaxing as a hot bath. Seniors who are stressed out should take a hot bath to relax and help their heart at the same time.

Drink A Glass Of Water

Staying hydrated is important for seniors for many reasons, including heart health. And most seniors aren’t drinking enough water during the day. Go drink a glass of water right now.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care assistance in Cave Creek, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

What Signs Indicate That Seniors Might Be Losing Their Vision?

Changes in health come with aging, including changes to things like vision. This is one of those changes that can come on so slowly that it’s difficult to notice at first. The sooner seniors get help with their failing vision, the better. Companion care at home can be a huge help with this process, especially if seniors aren’t aware that they have vision trouble yet.

Complaints about Vision Trouble

One straightforward way to recognize when seniors are having vision trouble is when they complain about vision issues. Mentioning blurry vision, trouble focusing, difficulty reading, or pain in the eyes or head can all be indications that someone is dealing with vision issues. Seniors might ignore these symptoms or even consider them to be temporary issues, but they’re an indication that an eye exam is warranted.

Moving Extremely Carefully

Something that seniors might not notice, but that other people will, is when seniors start to move overly cautiously. They may lean on the wall to feel their way through a room, for instance. This is an indication that navigating safely is becoming more difficult. Home care providers may notice this and let families know that it’s happening.

Seeming to Be Confused in Familiar Spaces

Vision loss makes it difficult for people to recognize familiar spaces. That happens even in places that seniors know very well. Confusion or disorientation in areas that seniors have normally been comfortable in is a big warning sign. Improving lighting can help some with this issue, but it’s also important to figure out what is happening with the individual’s vision.

Body Language Signs Associated with Vision Loss

When seniors are having trouble with their vision or are experiencing vision loss, there are body language indications. These signs might include squinting a lot, tilting the head, or rubbing eyes a lot more often. Sometimes these gestures are subconscious, so it might take someone else pointing them out before seniors realize that there is something going on.

Trouble Identifying Visual Cues

Daily life involves relying on visual cues for communicating and getting things done. But seniors with vision trouble may not be able to even notice visual cues. They could have more trouble identifying faces, subtle changes in the environment around them, and expressions of the people they’re talking to.

Self-isolation or Avoiding Favorite Activities or Socializing

Vision loss can change so much for seniors. They may start to lose confidence and feel less independent. This can lead directly to self-isolation and withdrawing from favorite activities and people. Companion care at home can help aging adults to have their socialization needs met and also offers help boosting their self-confidence.

When seniors are starting to lose their vision, it’s important to address the situation as soon as possible. Companion care at home can be a great start to help seniors understand the changes they’re experiencing while also offering them a friendly person to talk to. This also helps family caregivers to stay aware of how things are progressing so that more help can be added if necessary.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Scottsdale, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!