Keeping You Safe From COVID-19
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Upcoming Senior Living Events

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. As an FYI, we have several events at Senior Living Communities coming soon. For more information on where and what, please contact us from the information within. According to Aging Care and an article written by Leah Hallstrom, the are seven levels and three stages of dementia. The three stages are Early, Middle and Late. Within those stages, there are 7 levels all having to do with cognitive decline. For more information on how to get care for a loved one or to get information on this article, please contact us from the information within.

Making Meaningful Memories

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. Happy Thursday! We hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. For the special day, one of our caregivers sent a picture of the breakfast she prepared for a client. When you have family out of town, your caregiver becomes responsible for providing the meaningful relationship and assistance you need. For more information on how to get this type of service for your loved one, please inquire within.

Having Fun with Friends!

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. Every now and then, I get to hang out with some really cool guys. Sometimes, they bring out the hot rods. This is what that looks like. Keep having fun seniors.

A Thank You Note From One of Our Wonderful Clients

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. Our caregivers love what we do. When you love what you do, you tend to do a great job. Please see the attached hand written note about one of our caregivers. It’s a wonderful day when a client writes a note of thanks as shown here. To receive the type of care that would increase your desire to write a hand written Thank You Note. Please contact us and we can discuss how. Have a wonderful year Arizonans.

Words of Wisdom From Our Weekly Coffee Group

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. As many of you know, I have coffee weekly with a group I call my guys. My guys are a group of guys, mostly widowers, who have coffee and talk every week. Yes, I am younger than they are. I do remember most of this. One of the guys brought it to coffee this morning. Will place a smile on a lot of your faces. Enjoy.


Supporting Your Senior When They Move In with You

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. Many times, when a senior has a situation that pushes them to share space with a loved one, it can be very demoralizing and confusing for the person who has the need. Please recognize that the person who has the need in many situations are going through either mental, physical, emotional or some other type of failure that is causing them to need assistance. Many times, the person willing to share space and help are not sure what things to say to their loved one to help them accept their new normal. According to an newsletter published in January, answers that include the following should assist in helping the person with the need to accept their new normal. Your answers should include and highlight the following;

1. It should recognizes and HEARS your loved ones issues and concerns by restating them.
2. It should offer and describe some level of HOPE.
3. It should finalize by letting them know you enjoy their company and want to enjoy good times with them again along with providing the best and safest solution.

For more information, please feel free to contact us at one of the methods herein.

Another Great Review from a Wonderful Client!

Because of HIPAA, we’re not allowed to release clients names. Please see what our clients are saying about us below:

Hi Vanessa. I just wanted to let you know that my mom loved RS and they already formed a bond. Haha. We are so happy she will be caring for my mom for the next few weeks. Thanks again.

For more information on how you or your loved one can receive this type of care, please contact us on one of the methods included in the letter.

Happy Holidays and be safe!!!

Helping Seniors at Home After Rehab

It’s unfortunate when anyone has to go to a rehab. We do the best we can to make it so that when that person arrives home, we can enhance their lives by Assisting with Daily Activities. Help a senior today. They helped to shape yesterday.

Visiting with Wonderful Clients

As you all may know, getting out to visit and talk with clients is my favorite part of this business. I love getting out to talk to seniors. I love it even more when we have a chance to enrich a seniors lives. Help a senior today. It brings great feelings.

Let’s Go Diamondbacks!

I love to work with and help seniors. That is the most fulfilling part of my life. I must say, watching the Diamondbacks go to game 7 in the playoffs is pretty nice as well. Let’s go D-Backs.