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Congratulations Melissa! New VP of Operations!

CONGRATULATIONS MELISSA! Golden Heart Senior Care is excited to announce the PROMOTION of Melissa from Office Manager to VP Operations. Her expanded responsibilities include Quality Control for Client Experiences; Staff Management; Scheduling and Recruiting. We will be adding more responsibilities as she continues to expand/train the office team. Her LEADERSHIP throughout this challenging year is unprecedented. Rodney and I are grateful and very proud of her!

Golden Heart named Top 100 Phoenix-Area Woman Owned Business! 3rd year in a row!

Golden Heart Senior Care is very grateful to be named today as a “ Top 100 Phoenix-Area Woman Owned Business “ today for the third year in a row. We are thankful for our valued clients and caregivers, who work tirelessly to serve.
Thank you for all who support and understand small businesses. We appreciate you!

How Can You Help Your Senior to Develop Good Eating Habits?

Less than healthy eating habits can cover a lot of ground for your senior. She might tell you outright that eating is an issue for her, or you might notice that things aren’t going well when her weight fluctuates or when her health issues become more challenging.

Educate Yourself about How She’s Eating Now

Before you can help your senior make different choices with her eating habits, it helps to know what her current habits are. Talk to your senior about what she’s eating and why. It’s also a good idea to talk to her about other aspects of choosing healthy eating habits, like what it feels like when she’s grocery shopping and cooking. If she dreads those tasks and hates being involved in them, she’s probably more likely to choose easy ways out.

Eating Alone Can Be a Huge Hindrance to Healthier Eating

Another factor that’s easy to overlook about healthy eating is that so many people do not enjoy eating alone. Your senior may have never really had to eat alone and maybe that’s dramatically different for her right now. Are there meals you can share with her a few times a week? Having something like that to look forward to can be more inspiring for her.

Figure out What Inspires Your Senior to Choose Healthier Foods

What else inspires your elderly family member to eat healthier foods or to be more consistent with meals? She might experience feeling better when she’s eating well, for instance. Or she might see the results in the numbers she gets back from her doctor’s office. Higher energy levels could be another motivating factor. Whatever it is that your senior sees as a benefit of eating better is important for you to know.

Focus Solutions on the Big Problem

Once you have a full picture of what is going on, you can start to put solutions in place for what’s really presenting an issue. Your elderly family member may need more help with meal preparation, even grocery shopping, or she may need more assistance with other areas so that she still has the energy to cook. That might mean bringing in elderly care providers, for example, or swapping out cooking duties with other family members. For the best results, you want to tailor the solution to the actual problem.

Putting a plan in place is the tough part. From there, you’re going to be able to help your senior to find the right way to implement and to adjust that plan to ensure that it keeps working for her.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring senior care in Mesa, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Congratulations Danielle on your Caregiver Award!

Golden Heart Senior Care is excited to announce that Danielle has been awarded a Caregiver Award! Danielle takes excellent care of her clients; cheerfully picks up shifts and works very well with the Office Team. We are lucky to have her on the team! Danielle will receive a bonus for this award!

What Helps Your Senior to Keep Doing What She Wants?

Does your senior have a definitive idea about how she wants to live her life right now? If so, it also helps to have a plan for making that an easier goal for her to achieve. Focusing on these various areas of her life can give her a solid base on which to build the life she wants to live.

The Right Diet Does Matter

If your senior picks only one thing to change or adjust, it should probably be her dietary choices. Eating healthy foods that are full of nutrients fuels her body and her brain properly so that she can keep doing all the things she wants to do. This might not be her favorite idea, though, which makes this a complicated goal. Try gradually adding healthier choices instead of trying to shift everything all at once.

Moving Keeps Her Going

Even a little more movement does really important things for your senior’s body and brain. She can improve her overall stamina, she may experience better moods, and her sleep can improve. Just like eating differently, though, your elderly family member doesn’t have to become a super athlete overnight. Talk to her doctor about how she can safely start moving a little more now and then build on that success over time.

Mental Stimulation Is Important

Keeping your senior’s brain going is a key part of ensuring she can keep doing all the things she wants to do. Challenging the brain is a great way to do that because it’s like any other muscle. The brain has to work in order to get stronger and to keep what it’s got. Find fun and creative ways to keep your senior’s brain engaged for the best results.

Her Social Life Factors in More than You Think

A factor you might not consider often involves socializing. Social interaction and being around other people is far more important than most people realize when it comes to ensuring that someone is healthy and able to fully experience the life they want to experience. If your elderly family member finds it difficult to get out and about, bringing senior care providers in can be a great way to ensure she’s got companionship.

There are multiple approaches that your senior can take to ensure that she’s living life the way she wants to. A combination of all of the above is likely to give her the best results.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring elderly care in Apache Junction, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

We Celebrate Mark and Michael!

6 years in business Celebration Continues- we must celebrate those who support us… there are friends and there IS Family. Mark Hicks ( right), has known Rodney for more than years we are willing to count. He was one of Rodney’s friends I met first 26 years ago. He was in our wedding, always always there for us, giving everyone a hard time. At Max’s birth with a magnum of champagne, Christopher’s wedding, my Mom’s funeral. My Boys and Emilie adore him ( he and Michael, his long term life partner) call Em “ DIVA!” . Mark has always treated our boys as his own and he is MAX’s GODFATHER! Through every moment of ups and downs in life and especially in this business, MARK ( and Michael). ARE ALWAYS THERE. Thank you … you are a good part of why we are doing this. We LOVE YOU!

We Celebrate Ana Lopez!

Thank you all for indulging us all week while we thanked everyone who has helped, supported, cried and laughed with us to achieve our 6 Years in Business Celebration. Last, and certainly, not least, is Ana Lopez. Ana is the most important of all, as she has taken care of our kids and home since June of 2005, when we moved here from Ohio.

She began as a nanny for Max at 7 years old. She quickly introduced her son Josh to us and our boys grew up together! They were together every weekend and soon, Josh was named “ our nephew.”

When we adopted Emilie in 2012, I asked her “ who do you know Ana that can take care of Emilie, that baby you met when she/ her family visited when she was a toddler? And responded instantly,” well ME, Mrs. Laurie, ME!” So she then came to our home from the time Emilie arrived at 7 years old and helped us, morning and night. I was traveling on business and Rodney was running our former business. WE COULD NOT HAVE DONE ANY OF IT WITHOUT ANA, JORGE and their family.

They have worked in all of our businesses, and are the first ones to help when we moved ( literally about 7 times), and when each of our boys moved.

If someone is ill or having surgery ( in the community), Paster Jorge and Pastor Ana are there, praying and serving. They are the absolute Gold Standard for a Life of Service.

I will finish by saying, these are the most selfless, loyal, kind people walking this Earth. We are blessed to call them Family. Rodney and I LOVE YOU!

We Celebrate Suzanne Sanchez!

Suzanne Sanchez, of Hospice of the Valley, was kind enough to bring us some Sweets to Celebrate 6 years in Business! Thank you Suzanne!

We Celebrate Heidi Royter!

6 years in Business Celebration Week Continues…so we all know Webster, right? Well, you may not know it but in the New Webster there is a word. BOSS BABE! That is my friend, colleague and one of the best people I know and her picture should be there. Heidi Royter.

When we first met, she said “ I hear you know how to get stuff ( sh…t) done .” I said “yes, generally.” Heidi said…” well I need 4 caregivers for 2 weeks until the end of the month…my assistant ED Chris will call you to coordinate.” I said, “ YES MA’AM!” And we did our job. And we have worked together for many years since. HEIDI GETS STUFF ( sh…t) DONE!

In the last 5 years, I have watched my beautiful, confident, smart friend in so many meetings. I will never forgot one when Rodney/ I were there with her whole staff. To say, it was one of those dicey discussions ( we were on the outside of most of it) was an understatement. We felt quite uncomfortable. But I am a Big Girl and Rodney is a Big Guy. All of a sudden Heidi whipped around and said… “ Wait a minute, Laurie and Rodney, we hope you know you are valued, right?” We smiled and then felt valued. THIS IS A GREAT PERSON DOING GOD’s WORK RUNNING ASSISTED LIVING, MEMORY CARE AND INDEPENDENT LIVING FACILITIES. Now, she has progressed to a big corporate position.

None of this really captures Heidi, the person. We were honored to be invited by her to Solterra’s Holiday Party… she scanned the room constantly to be sure every single person was happy, fed and enjoying themselves… thank you Heidi for your selfless leadership advocating for seniors and most of all, being my friend!

Golden Heart’s valued team member, Jeff drops by the office

First and foremost, no one comes in our office without an appointment now. All must be temp checked at the door and answer a series of Covid exposure related questions. Then they come in!

The woman who does it all…Melissa, our Office Mgr and our super valued team member Jeff met up for a PPE exchange ! We so appreciate the hard work of these two! #frontlines