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Celebrating Eat Better, Eat Together Month with Your Senior

October is National Eat Better, Eat Together Month. While many look at this month as a time to remind parents that having meals with their children together is an important part of having a healthy household, the same can also be said for your elderly loved one. Below are some great tips for sharing a meal together with your senior this month and how home care assistance can help.

Health Benefits for Seniors of Eating Together

The benefits of sharing a daily meal with someone are huge, and it can make a big difference in the quality of life for an elderly person, especially one who lives alone.

  1. It reduces loneliness. Many seniors say that the time of the day that they feel the loneliest is at mealtime. Having someone there to share the food and some conversation with can have positive mental benefits that last the entire day.
  2. It results in better food choices. Many seniors will choose more healthy and diverse foods when eating with someone. A little bit of peer pressure to eat those Brussels sprouts can be a good thing!
  3. It increases caloric intake. Many seniors have a reduced appetite and forget about eating if they are alone. Or they grab something easy like a piece of toast and then skip a nutrient-packed meal together. It’s easier to sit at a table longer and enjoy the food when someone is sitting beside you.
  4. It prevents obesity. Eating with someone can also help a person to eat less. Eating a well-balanced meal of healthy and satisfying dishes can help your loved one avoid trying to fill up later with unhealthy food choices.
Home Care Assistance in Ahwatukee AZ
Home Care Assistance in Ahwatukee AZ

If you do not live near your loved one, or can only visit on weekends, how do you encourage her to eat better by eating together this month (and hopefully well into her future)?

Four Areas to Find People to Eat with When Family is Far Away

  • Neighbors. Depending on where your loved one lives, if she has neighbors that are similar in age, she might look at seeing if everyone wants to join up to eat together once a week at a different person’s home. It’s a great way to connect with her community and build up friendships while eating well.
  • Faith Communities. Many faith-based communities have small groups specifically for seniors and they might have events that center around meals. She might enjoy breaking bread with like-minded folks.
  • Senior Communities. If there is a senior center in the community, she can look into the community meals they serve so that she can join them.
  • Home Care Assistance. Your loved one might enjoy having someone come to her home, help her make the meal, clean up after the meal, and of course, join her for the meal. What could be simpler? A home care assistance provider can help not only provide companionship but also ensure that the food choices made are best for your loved one.

Three Rules for a Great Meal Together

  • Meal plan beforehand. A home care assistance provider can help her shop and plan the meal before she begins.
  • Turn off all distractions such as phones or televisions.
  • Set the table. A meal needs to look like a meal to feel like a meal. Have drinkware, plates, silverware, and maybe even a centerpiece to complete the look.
  • Make conversation a part of the meal. Not sure what to talk about, look at using conversation starter cue cards to get the discussion rolling.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care assistance in Ahwatukee, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Meeting with Clients

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. Getting out to see our clients has always been my favorite part of the job. As the Owner, I try to get out to meet every client. In this case, I went to meet the client for an assessment. It doesn’t matter if they’re in their home or in a facility. If you need Golden Heart to come and see you, please contact us at We’ll come to see you and we’ll bring a smile.

We Come To You!

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. As many of you know, we go to where our clients need us to go. It doesn’t matter if they are in a facility or in their homes, we will come to the client. So if you need Golden Heart Senior Care to coma and visit you, please feel free to contact us at and we will be happy to come and see how we can help.


Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. We all know that nourishment is an important part to each day. Additionally, we’ve all heard them, whoever they are, say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Please see the attached. This is a picture of a wonderful breakfast that a Golden Heart caregiver cooked for her client. If you need assistance with meal prep or any other activity of daily living, please contact us at and let’s discuss what we can do to help. Eat up everyone and have a fantastic day.

7 Ways Personal Care at Home Makes Incontinence Care Easier

Incontinence can be a big issue for seniors, especially if they live alone. Incontinence affects comfort, confidence, and even health. Getting to the bathroom on time can feel like a race that seniors often lose, further damaging confidence and self-esteem. Personal care at home can offer supportive and compassionate help for seniors who are battling incontinence. Here’s how they help.

Personalized Routines

Each senior has specific needs, even if they’re dealing with a problem as common as incontinence. Personal care at home helps seniors to develop personalized routines and schedules around hygiene, toileting, and other necessary tasks related to managing incontinence. Caregivers are able to be more effective and respectful of seniors’ needs and preferences.

Monitoring and Support

Changes in toileting patterns and other symptoms related to incontinence could mean that seniors need additional help. They might develop a urinary tract infection or other medical issue, for instance. Personal care at home helps to monitor seniors and how they’re doing so that any changes can be addressed quickly.

Maintaining Comfort and Dignity

One of the reasons seniors might be reluctant to have help with personal care tasks is that these situations can be so embarrassing. Caregivers offer respectful assistance only in the ways that seniors truly need the help. This type of care isn’t about causing further embarrassment or shaming anyone for what is happening. Home care providers just want to help while keeping seniors comfortable and preserving their dignity.

Using the Right Products

The right incontinence products make all of the difference in the world. There are different types of products, different absorbencies, and a variety of protective garments. Personal care at home can help seniors to experiment and find the products that work best for their needs.

Protecting Skin

Incontinence can lead to skin irritation or even infections if seniors aren’t careful. Personal care at home helps seniors to keep their skin clean and protected, especially after changing incontinence products. Developing a skin care routine that meets the senior’s needs keeps seniors both more comfortable and healthier.

Promoting Healthy Choices

When seniors are living the healthiest lifestyle they can, that helps with incontinence. Keeping a food diary helps seniors to notice which foods and drinks might irritate their bladders, for instance. Staying physically active, getting plenty of sleep, and staying hydrated are all choices that keep seniors healthy and better able to fight off UTIs and other possible issues.

Educating Family Members and Seniors

Managing incontinence can be a weird situation for family caregivers and seniors to do together. With the help of personal care at home, family caregivers can learn more about incontinence and how to help their seniors. Elder care providers can also suggest home modifications that might make the situation easier, like using toileting aids and stocking the bathroom with the necessary supplies.

Personal care at home isn’t there to make an embarrassing situation worse. These compassionate caregivers want to help seniors manage whatever issues they’re battling, including incontinence that could be making them feel uncomfortable and isolated.

If you or an aging loved one is considering personal care at home in Maricopa, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Don’t Miss These Leukemia Symptoms

The American Association of Cancer Research has designated September as Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month. Both of these diseases are cancers that affect the blood or bone marrow. By having a month set aside for awareness of these diseases, the hope is to open up more conversations about them, lead to better awareness, and help families recognize the symptoms in time to seek appropriate medical help. Here are a few things to know about leukemia and how senior home care can help.

What is Leukemia?

Leukemia is a cancer that begins within the bone marrow. Bone marrow has stem cells that create the needed blood cells for a body. When leukemia occurs, the bone marrow makes abnormal white blood cells that don’t die when they should. Instead, they continue to live and begin to crowd out the healthy white blood cells, red cells, and platelets. This process makes it difficult for the healthy cells to perform their jobs and the body’s organs suffer.

Symptoms of Leukemia

For elderly adults, leukemia symptoms can come on slowly and mimic many other illnesses, often causing a person to ignore the symptoms for a long period, thinking they’ll just go away in time like a long battle with the flu or a bad cold. Sometimes an elderly person needs to be encouraged to have his long-term symptoms checked because he’s grown so accustomed to them, that they seem normal.

Excessive Bruising and Bleeding

Because leukemia affects the platelets, your loved one may find he’s bleeding more than normal or has bruises appear where he doesn’t recall an injury. Red or purple splotches may appear on the skin caused by bleeding under the skin. Your loved one may discover blood in his stools or an inability to stop bleeding after an injury. Frequent nose bleeds are also common.


The reduction of red blood cells may cause anemia. Anemia can bring on symptoms such as extreme fatigue, dizziness, and pale skin. Your senior home care provider may call your attention to the fact that your loved one seems to lack energy and is looking unwell.

Multiple Infections

From mouth sores to continued bouts with cold-like symptoms could be a symptom of leukemia. If your loved one’s senior home care provider has noticed that your loved one has battled one infection after another, it might be time to bring your loved one in for a check-up even if he’s rebounded after each infection.

Weight Loss

Losing weight without trying is often a sign that something is going wrong with the body. Leukemia can cause weight loss in those who have it. If your loved one’s clothing keeps getting looser and looser, he might be shedding pounds without even realizing it.

Nighttime sweating

If your loved one is complaining about excessive sweating while he’s trying to sleep, it can be a symptom of leukemia, especially when combined with these other symptoms listed.

Treatment Options

Your loved one will work with his doctor to determine the best treatment for his leukemia. Early detection leads to more options for your senior. As he goes through treatment, you might want to consider having a senior home care provider be a part of his support team. A senior care provider can step in and help with chores around the home, prepare meals, or simply be a companion while he’s going through treatment.


If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Ahwatukee, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Caring in the Hospice Community

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. As many of you may know, getting out to interact and talk with our clients is one of my favorite things. I now have a close second favorite. Here you see Rodney of talking with a group of nurses from a local hospice. Explaining to them the non medical side of caring for a family in hospice seemed quite eye opening to some. We love caring for people. We love talking about how we care for people. Feel free to contact us at for more information.

A Wonderful Note from a New Client!

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. Sometimes our pictures don’t match our articles because some of the articles are notes from clients. This is that situation. Please see a very nice note given to us by a new client. To receive a caregiver that will have you writing notes just like this one, please contact us at for more information. Enjoy your week!

Good Morning,
Our caregiving L has been a very nice addition to our schedule and both of us are very happy with her.
We would like to have her as much as we can, based on our needs.

Thanks very much for checking in. Enjoy your weekend.

Hospice In-Service in the Community

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. As you may know, we love to get out into the community. Here, we are having an in-service with a hospice. This is an opportunity for us to go in and remind them why we are a good company to share business with. In this picture, we are discussing how we background check, drug screen and review our staff’s history to make sure we are providing a high quality individual to provide care. We also discussed the training that our CNAs, LNAs and caregivers come in with as well as continue to receive. If you would like us to come in and discuss who and how we hire as well as all the things we will do to support the patient’s family, please contact us at for more information.

More Compliments for Our Amazing Caregivers!

Hello Senior, Families and Friends. I usually don’t send out as many articles complimenting our caregivers. This has been a good week of people appreciating the help we provide. I know the picture doesn’t match this article. But again, someone is complimenting the care forwarded by our caregiver. It makes me so happy to know that the hard work done by the office staff makes it’s way to the field that I have to share. Below, please see another note by a client raving about their caregiver. When you focus on hiring the right people, the correct results are the result. Please see below what our client has to say about their caregiver. Again, if you would like the help of someone who will have you writing notes like this, please contact us at for more information. To our caregivers, please keep doing what you do the way that you’re doing it. Your care enriches our clients lives. Please see below.

I am writing to you today to rave about JB! JB is such a blessing to our family. She is friendly, warm, and very up-beat. Joan arrives each session with a notebook filled with plans for the day’s activities to help keep my mother-in-law’s mind active and engaged. It’s really above and beyond what we anticipated and very much appreciate her efforts. JB is just great!! If Golden Heart has an employee of the month opportunity, I definitely would like to nominate Joan for the award:)

Golden Heart Senior Care Scottsdale
Golden Heart Senior Care Scottsdale