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Celebrating Our Friend, Claude

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends,

When you have a group of friends and one passes, you tend to follow their wish for a celebration. Our friend, Claude, didn’t want a celebration of life or a funeral. So, we decided to have a Friends of Claude’s Coffee. We sat, told stories and enjoyed his presence. We’ll miss you buddy!!!

We’re Here for You and Your Senior

Hello Seniors, Friends and Families. This is not the photo that goes with this message. This is a photo of Rodney having dinner with some friends at Acoya Senior Living. Yes, it was a great time.

Please see below. This is what a family had to say about a caregiver from Golden Heart Senior Care. Many seniors don’t like the thought of having someone in their home to help them. Once they understand our focus and intention is to help them remain at home independently, they generally soften and accept the help. To receive care for yourself or a family member that will have you making comments like the one below, please contact us for more information. Please read the comment below;

Hi Linda (Our Social Worker), Just wanted to let you know it went well today. My Mom really liked Cynthia. This evening, I was wondering if it had been a little too long for her today (a little too much excitement having another person moving around the house). But just now my Mom asked if our helper girl was coming tomorrow. 😃 hopefully she doesn’t change her mind.  The Client.

Caregiver Appreciation

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. The work that a caregiver does is so easy to overlook and is so important in seniors age in their homes. It may not sound like much. Please read the comments below sent in by a new client. For more information on how you can receive a caregiver that makes you want to leave a comment like this, please visit us

I happened to be at the home when the caregiver was working, and she did a wonderful job. She was personable and stayed very busy the entire shift that she was there. She assisted my aunt in getting her compression socks on and getting to know my aunt as this was their first meeting. She also did a beautiful job straightening my aunts room and kitchen as well as other things. Thank you for providing a very friendly, supportive, and hard working lady to assist my aunt.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Dementia affects over 55 million people worldwide, with approximately half of the costs attributed to informal caregivers, so preparing financially is essential. Maureen Bradley, one of A Place for Mom’s most seasoned senior care experts, recommends “The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer Disease and Other Dementias, and Memory Loss” by Nancy L. Mace, MA, and Dr. Peter V. Rabins, MPH.“‘The 36-Hour Day’ is an oldie but a goodie and is considered a must-read for families of folks living with dementia,” says Bradley, who’s currently pursuing her doctoral thesis on non-pharmacological interventions for cognitive decline in older adults. Here at Golden Heart Senior Care, we pride ourselves on having caregivers who are trained on how to work with clients with Dementia and Alzheimer’s. To have a caregiver trained in the many ways to help a client with dementia, please contact us at We are here to help!!!


How Can Respite Care Benefit You and Your Senior?

According to an article written by Kayla Erdewyk of Senior Living, respite care, whether in your home or through a short-term stay at a senior living community, can provide much-needed support and give you a break from caregiving. You’ve put your heart and soul into your work, but you deserve help and the opportunities to step away. In-home respite care can help keep caregiver fatigue and burnout at bay, and there are other out-of-home arrangements, too. If you’re curious, you can even try respite care before you have an urgent need. Planning ahead will help you and your elderly family member know you have a trusted option when the time comes. For more information on respite care, please contact us at We are here to help you and your family.

Celebrating Our Amazing Caregivers!

Hello Seniors, Friends and Families. As you may know, we love to catch our caregivers doing the right things. Here at Golden Heart Senior Care, we reward staff for doing an excellent job. Please see the caregiver below. He has been with for about two and a half years. The thing is that every client he works with has great things to say about him and his care. That tells us that he does an excellent job of keeping his clients safe and happy in their homes. If you would like a caregiver that does so well you will compliment them, please contact us at to find out how.

Please stay hydrated and have a great summer.

Tips for Avoiding Heat-Related Illness

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. We hope you are all staying in the cool and hydrated. According to a Village Medical article released on 7.10.24, below you can find information on symptoms, cures and ways to avoid this issue. Please see a copy and paste from the article.

Heat cramps, exhaustion, or stroke can occur when the body becomes overheated from high temperatures. Warning signs of heat-related illness include:

• Sweating
• Painful muscle spasms
• Weakness, dizziness or lightheadedness
• Nausea or vomiting
• Headache
• Low blood pressure

Later signs of heat stroke can be serious and may include chills, confusion, slurred speech, seizures and a body temperature above 104℉. If you experience any of these symptoms, call 911 or visit the nearest ER.

The best way to prevent heat-related illness is to stay inside in the air conditioning. If you are out playing or working in the sun, make sure to drink plenty of water. You can also cool off by spraying water or placing ice packs on the skin.

For more information, please contact Golden Heart Senior Care at 480.622.3557 or visit us on the web at

Have a safe and happy summer!!!

A New VA Benefit and how it works

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. I am so proud to announce that is now approved to offer a New VA Benefit. This is a program that has long been needed. If you are honorably discharged during your enlistment to serve America, you now qualify for home care benefits. This benefit is through Homeward Bound and Tri-west. If you completed your tour while enlisted, you qualify for home care benefits. When it comes to VA Benefits, there has always been a relationship between your finances and receiving any help. This has all changed. Again, if you were honorably discharged and you need assistance with daily activity, you qualify for assistance. All you need is a VA Primary Care Physician or VA Case Worker, and we can get you approved quickly. For more information, please contact Golden Heart Senior Care or 480.341.2227 for more information. Have a safe and happy Summer!!!


According to an article Published by a Place for Mom, the following describes a symptom referred to as sundowning:

Toward the end of the day, you may notice someone with dementia becoming noticeably more irritable, anxious, angry, and irrational. This change in behavior is called sundowning, also known as sundown syndrome or sundowner syndrome, and refers to late-day confusion or delirium. Because it can’t be easily attributed to a definite cause, it’s not considered a disease, but rather a set of symptoms associated with dementia. Sundowning in dementia patients is relatively common, as well. As many as 1 in 5 people with Alzheimer’s will experience sundowning, according to Cleveland Clinic. For more information, please contact us

Welcome, Laura!

Hello Seniors, Families and Friends. Please allow me to introduce Laura. Laura is a new caregiver with Laura comes to us with 20 years of caregiving experience. Laura is nice, helpful, reliable and smart. To receive a caregiver like Laura, please contact us We give home care with a HEART!!!