Keeping You Safe From COVID-19
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How Much Physical Activity Should Your Senior Be Getting?

Being as physically active as possible might need to be a bigger part of your senior’s overall plan for wellness. That’s especially true if her doctor agrees that she should be moving more. But just how much more is really right for your senior to move? That might depend on some other variables.

There’s the Official Recommendation

The official recommendation from a variety of health professionals is for people, even aging adults, to get at least 150 minutes per week of exercise. That equates to around 30 minutes per day. If your elderly family member is able to be much more physically active, then moderate-intensity exercise can bring that total down to 75 minutes.

But Unofficially, Moving More Is Better

Realistically, though, moving more at all than she is now can be good for your senior. Once your senior talks with her doctor and gets a definitive recommendation, all she really needs to do is to gradually increase her activity levels. Moving just a little bit more can be fine. It might be easier for her to do this with company, either from caregivers or from friends and family members.

She Can Add to Her Activity Levels Over Time

Once your senior is more active in general, she can increase her activity levels. There are lots of ways to do this. She can spend more time being active or she can make the exercise that she does more intense. Doing activities that help her to build muscle are good options, because losing muscle tone and strength are big issues for aging adults.

It’s About What Feels Okay and Is Safe

Ultimately, this is about what feels and is safe for your senior and her needs. It’s also about what helps her to feel healthy and content. If your elderly family member wants to exercise and has mobility concerns, it may make sense to have assistance from 24-hour home care providers available. 24-hour home care providers offer stability and companionship that your senior can rely on as she works to help her body to be stronger and more physically active.

The right levels of physical activity are truly individual. There are general recommendations, but there are also specific variables that really impact how active your senior is able to be. Paying attention to all of these factors helps you and your elderly family member to make sure that she’s safe and healthy, no matter how active she is.


If you or an aging loved one is considering 24-hour home care in Mesa, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Congratulations Enell!

CONGRATULATIONS ENELL! Golden Heart is pleased to announce that Enell has been awarded a Caregiver Award today. Enell gets rave reviews from our clients and is always willing to pick up shifts and help the office. We are lucky to have Enell on our team! Enell will receive a bonus for this award!


If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Scottsdale, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Four Possible Consequences of Malnutrition for Seniors

If you suspect that your aging family member is malnourished, make sure to talk with her doctor to set up a plan to assess what nutrients she needs and how to best get them into her daily diet. Ignoring nutrition needs can seriously impact your senior’s health and may make it more difficult for her to meet her own goals as she ages.

Decreased Muscle Strength

As your senior ages, she is more likely to lose muscle tone and strength. If she’s not getting the nutrients that her body needs, that decrease in muscle strength is likely to occur much more quickly. Losing muscle strength can also mean that your elderly family member is not able to maintain mobility and that becomes a huge safety problem.

Increased Fall Risk

Another big problem with losing muscle tone is that it can increase your senior’s risk of falling. Other factors can contribute as well, though. Low blood sugar, low blood pressure, and more can all be contributing factors to increasing your senior’s fall risk. Falling even one time can have serious health consequences for your elderly family member for a very long time to come.

Weakened Immunity

Your senior’s immune system requires nutrients in order to maintain itself. To reduce the risk of illness, infection, and other health problems, your senior’s immune system need to be able to keep itself running. If you’re noticing that your elderly family member is frequently ill or is having a more difficult time healing in general, it might be due to poor nutrition.

Increased Likelihood of Hospitalization

Malnutrition can also increase the risk of your senior ending up hospitalized, either due to a fall or due to another health issue. Aging adults hospitalized may be more likely to become even weaker, lose more muscle tone, and suffer further attacks on their immune system. In short, that makes all of the other consequences even worse for your senior.

Keeping your senior well nourished is absolutely vital, but it can feel complicated. Working with senior home care providers can help, because they’re able to be there with your senior and help to monitor what and when she’s eating. If your senior needs physical help eating, elder care providers can offer that assistance. Even if all that your elderly family member needs is for senior home care providers to cook for her, that can go a long way toward improving her nutritional intake.

If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Phoenix, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

7 Practical Tips For Effective Elderly Home Care

At Golden Heart, our goal is to support your loved ones and your family in providing exceptional home health care service. All of our home care services are selected to provide the customized solutions you need for in-home care for elderly loved ones.

When planning senior home care services, there are several practical tips to consider. Our home health services can work with you to tailor our senior home care services to your specific needs.

1. Hire top home healthcare providers – this ensures the home health aide working with your loved one has the training, skills, and experience needed.

2. Create a routine – home care for seniors with memory loss, Alzheimer’s, or dementia should start with a predictable daily routine.

3. Consider safety issues – home health care agencies can help you spot potential issues in the home such as loose rugs, the need for safety bars in the bathroom, or other safety features.

4. Keep things simple – don’t over plan or do too much in one day, keep things simple to reduce stress and give you time for yourself.

5. Get home care help – from light housework to meal prep and daily care, our home health caregivers are here to help.

6. Assess needs – our home health agency staff constantly assess the needs of their clients. This allows us to make suggestions and provide resources for the family.

7. Understand the care needed – as the elderly age, health services may increase to deal with ongoing medical issues. Our staff will work with the family to report any changes noted.

Our home health professionals work with you to provide exceptional care at home. We are here to support your needs and those of your elderly loved ones.

The Importance Of Respite Care

It is important for many families to care for aging parents in their own homes. Having the ability to keep parents at home and surrounded by people that love them has a positive impact on their mental health and wellbeing.

At the same time, families can find the additional challenges of managing young children and busy schedules difficult to integrate with their role as a caregiver for elderly parents. This can lead to burnout, stress, and increased challenges for the whole family.

Adding Respite Care

Golden Heart provides respite care services from a trusted local home health provider. These respite services are provided in your own home, allowing your parent or parents to stay in a familiar setting. Respite care at home provides trusted Medicare caregivers who provide companionship and support throughout their stay.

Respite care for elderly individuals from Golden Heart is customized for your needs. This could include a small break throughout the day or spending a longer block of time to allow you to get away and relax. With either option, you have the peace of mind in knowing your loved ones are well-cared for while you are away.

Our respite providers are trained professionals who provide the services needed for your parents while you are away. Senior respite care services can include assistance with meal preparation, light housekeeping, and personal care support.

Respite care for caregivers helps you to spend time with your family while knowing respite care providers are caring for your elderly parents. Scheduling respite care at home allows you to recharge your batteries and find time for yourself.

Congratulations Eddie and Melissa!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Congratulations to Eddie and Melissa! We are excited to announce the following new opportunities that have been filled for our office team. With our growth ( for which we are extremely grateful) , we needed to elevate and re-align the office team.

We are pleased to welcome Eddie to our team as Director of Business Affairs! Eddie has a long tenured career in senior care- branch manager at a major home care; ED at a major Assisted Living facility ( 400 beds) ( he has his Assisted Living Manager’s license ) and placement. Eddie is the real deal and we are happy to have him!
Eddie’s role is all office administration. Welcome Eddie!

Secondly, Melissa has been moved into a new role as Client Coordinator/Recruiting Manager role. Melissa is highly focused on client care and experiences!

We are very happy to have these two in these roles! Melissa has been with our Company a long time and this role is perfect for her skill set and interest.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring home care in Scottsdale, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Congratulations Kim for your Golden Heart “Above and Beyond Award!”

Golden Heart Senior Care is proud to announce Kim, our Lead Scheduler, is awarded the “Above and Beyond Award!”
We have been short staffed in the office and Kim has stepped in and dealt with everything coming her way with grace and professionalism. We are very grateful for her incredible hard work and charting new waters ably! Kim will receive a bonus for her Award. Thank you Kim!

What Does the Delta Variant Mean for Your Mom’s Activities?

Just as your mom was getting used to seeing her children and grandchildren again, the Delta variant of COVID-19 hit. After her vaccination, she started visiting friends more, having her entire family stop by throughout the week, and having her grandchildren around to help with meals.

The delta variant is spreading faster, but there’s good news, too. Of the 163+ million people vaccinated against COVID-19, approximately 0.01 percent have gotten the variant and had to be hospitalized. The majority of those people have not become seriously ill or even noticed they had COVID-19.

That doesn’t mean your mom shouldn’t stay proactive. Her safety has to come first. Here’s what you need to do when arranging visits with your mom.

Make Sure Visitors Are Fully Vaccinated

Your cousin offers to drive your mom to the grocery store each weekend. You happen to know your cousin isn’t vaccinated, but your mom is. Before saying okay, make sure you’re comfortable with someone who isn’t vaccinated being in your mom’s home.

While the vaccine protects your mom, you have to consider how comfortable she is with others who aren’t vaccinated. She may not be, and that’s okay. If your mom has underlying conditions or allergies that kept her from getting the vaccination, she needs to be extra careful about who spends time with her.

Wear Masks and Keep Washing Hands

When you’re with your mom, everyone should wear a mask. If someone is a carrier without realizing it, a mask lowers the risk of spreading it. It should be tight-fitting, as a loose mask is not enough to stop droplets from flying. Ideally, she wants a mask that extends from the bottom of her chin to the bridge of her nose.

Keep washing hands when you’re with your mom. If you cough or sneeze, wash your hands. Wipe down surfaces like faucet handles, doorknobs, light switches, and appliance handles. Sterilizing surfaces is a must after someone has been in your mom’s house.

Talk to Her Doctor

Ask your mom’s doctor if there’s a way to get a notification when booster COVID shots are available. While they’re not currently available, the day may come when they are necessary. Your mom should be first in line.

Schedule the Same Caregiver

Choose one caregiver to help your mom for now. It lowers her exposure to others. Personal care at home services are an excellent way to choose one caregiver to spend time at her home. It reduces the amount of traffic in her home, which lowers the risk of someone being a carrier and bringing COVID to your mom. Call an agency to schedule personal care at home today.



If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring personal care at home in Apache Junction, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

There’s More to Home Safety Than a Clutter-Free Layout

You worry about your mom and dad being safe as they age at home. Their older home has multiple levels, including a basement laundry room. Arthritis, muscle weakness, and chronic health conditions make it harder for them to get around on their own.

While you can help out on weekends, you worry about home safety when you’re not there. How do you heighten home safety for them? Removing clutter is often the first thing families think of, but it’s not enough. Here are the other factors to consider.

Research Their Medications

Some medications are known to make you feel queasy. They can make you lightheaded and drowsy. Eating certain foods, taking over-the-counter supplements and remedies, or drinking alcoholic beverages with certain medications increases the risks of adverse side effects.

Go over the medications your mom and dad take. See if there are contraindications listed. If there are, make sure your parents know what they have to avoid. For example, your mom’s blood thinners may be less effective if she eats foods that are high in vitamin K, such as asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, and kale.

Arrange Rooms to Eliminate the Risk of a Fall

Look at the home layout. Your mom and dad have an older cape. Bedrooms are on the top floor, but the bathroom is on the main floor. If your parents need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, they have to walk downstairs in the dark. If they turn on lights to be safer, it may wake them up, making it hard to go back to sleep.

If there is a room downstairs that you can convert to a bedroom, do so. It’s better to eliminate trips up and down the stairs at night.

Check Out Home Care Services

If your parents are prone to falling, support from home care aides is essential at certain times. It comes down to the times when your mom or dad is most likely to fall.

Your mom takes a blood thinner that makes her lightheaded for a couple of hours. She should have a caregiver with her after she takes it. She has the caregiver to watch her and make sure she’s okay on stairs, while walking around the house, or when taking a shower.

Suppose your dad has fallen in the past and can’t stand in the shower since breaking his ankle. A caregiver can be there to help him step out of the shower.

With home care, your parents have the help they need with ambulation, medication reminders, meals, household chores, and more. Call to learn more.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring home care in Phoenix, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!


Scottsdale-based Golden Heart Senior Care announces today the acquisition of certain assets and caregivers of Desert Point Home Care, a local non-medical home care company who has successfully grown in the Valley since 2017. As of today, Golden Heart will continue all operations as previously managed, for Desert Point clients and caregivers.

“We have looked for some time for the right company to fit our client-based, high touch approach to home care,” says Laurie Malone, Managing Partner & CEO of Golden Heart Senior Care. “Desert Point Home Care, with all five-star reviews, great client and employee feedback, brings that like-minded approach to the clients they serve. Kimberly and Ron Hutcherson have done a great job of growing their business, with service needs as first priority. We are very excited to have their clients and employees join the Golden Heart Team. This will be a seamless ‘win-win’ transition. Desert Point is the perfect acquisition to expand our geographic footprint and ability to serve more seniors.”

Desert Point Home Care, headquartered in Scottsdale, is owned by Kimberly Hutcherson, President and Ron Hutcherson, Vice President.

Kimberly Hutcherson states, “Ron and I have made the difficult decision to sell our business. The time has come for us to start a new chapter in our lives. We have considered moving out of state, or at least out of the Phoenix area. With that in mind, we started the process of looking for someone to carry on with our clients and team we have built. Laurie and Rodney Malone are the owners of Golden Heart Senior Care with a fantastic structure and team. They are experienced in providing excellent care for their clients and they will do an amazing job of caring for our clients moving forward as well. Ron and I feel our team of caregivers are in good hands with Golden Heart, and we know they’ll have the support needed to be fantastic.”

Golden Heart Senior Care is a non-medical home care company focused on care for seniors, wherever they live, in 94 zip codes. Golden Heart Senior Care is owned by Laurie Malone, Managing Partner & CEO and Rodney Malone, Partner & COO. Golden Heart Senior Care is one of the “Largest Women Owned Businesses in Phoenix” by Phoenix Business Journal, four years in a row; AAA+++ BBB Accredited; a member of HCAOA (Home Care Association of America); and Approved Senior Network. For more information, visit