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Congratulations Brooke on your Caregiver Award!

Good afternoon Golden Heart team! We are happy to announce that Brooke is receiving a Caregiver Award today for excellent care, going above and beyond. The client’s daughter called me Saturday to say the following:

“Brooke is a wonderful caregiver. She is extremely patient with and so very kind to Mom. She engages with Mom, and is always super attentive to her needs and ever-changing behaviors/moods of dementia. Additionally, Brooke is always punctual, positive and upbeat. She makes me feel comfortable leaving Mom in her care.“

Exceptional work Brooke, you will be receiving a bonus for this! Congratulations, Laurie and Rodney

Four Hot Weather Comfort Tips for Your Senior

It can be really difficult to help your elderly family member to stay comfortable when the temperatures outside keep climbing. Add in humidity, too, and your senior could be susceptible to a variety of heat-related illnesses. Try some of these ideas in order to help your elderly family member to stay as cool as she can when the weather outside is overwhelmingly hot.

Drink Plenty of Hydrating Fluids

Avoiding drinks that are full of caffeine, sugar, and alcohol is important when the weather is hot outside. Hydrating beverages, preferably water, are much better for your senior because they ensure that she’s not losing too much fluid. If she’s not a fan of water, consider unsweetened herbal teas as a substitute. An elder care provider can ensure that your senior drinks plenty of water throughout the day, as well as consuming nutritious foods that also provide hydration.

Shower and Bathe with Cool Water

Warm or hot showers and baths might feel good to aching joints, but during summer they’re not a great idea. It’s much better for your senior to bathe and shower with lukewarm or cooler water to help her to keep her core temperature down. In fact, a cool soak or shower later in the afternoon can be especially good if she’s overheated in the afternoon.

Stay out of Direct Sun and Turn on the Air Conditioner, if Possible

To avoid overheating, it’s important for your senior to stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible. If your senior has air conditioning, that’s the best option for helping her to stay as cool as she can. In fact, Air Conditioning Appreciation Days run from July 3 through August 15, which can be some of the hottest parts of the summer.

Rest During the Hottest Parts of the Day

If your senior doesn’t already limit her activity levels when it’s hot outside, convince her to rest during the hottest parts of the day. This can be crucial if she has health issues that contribute to overheating more easily. Bringing in elder care providers can ensure that your senior has her needs met but that she’s also able to rest as much as possible.

Hot weather is nothing to play around with for aging adults. Your senior’s body doesn’t respond to temperature variations, especially hotter weather, in the same ways that it did when she was younger. If she’s taking medications, it’s also a good idea to talk to her doctor about how hot weather can affect side effects from those medications and her health issues as well.

If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring elder care in Queens Creek, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Golden Heart Senior Care attends Accelerent’s Partner Breakfast Event!

Golden Heart attended the prestigious Accelerent Partner Breakfast Event at The Phoenix Suns’ newly remodeled Stadium on Tuesday, June 29th! More than 350 “ C Level” people attended, including Partners and their guests. Hank Haney, former coach for Tiger Woods and Mark O’Meara, was the speaker. It was a fantastic event and Laurie and Rodney were thrilled to be there! #goldenheartscottsdale

Golden Heart welcomes an Accelerent Partner-Katharine Halpin!

Rodney and I had a fabulous meeting this week with our new friend…Katharine Halpin! She owns a wonderful company and we were so happy to host her at our offices! We have many mutual business opportunities, but most importantly, a valued new friendship. Katharine is smart….warm..kind! Part of our Accelerent journey-meeting many of the Partner Principals. Thank you Katharine for visiting!

Congratulations Sharon!

Good morning Golden Heart team! We are pleased to announce Sharon F is awarded the Tenure and Quality Award! Sharon has worked with us for many years! There are no words to accurately share our appreciation of her work. Sharon has a passion for seniors and has worked on short/ shifts alike, private clients and facility. Wherever she is needed. Sharon is skilled, loyal, respectful to the office, and most of all, wonderful with our seniors! Sharon is receiving a substantial bonus for this award. Thank you Sharon! We are grateful!

Congratulations Jeff on the prestigious Tenure and Quality Award!

Congratulations, Jeff!

Good afternoon Golden Heart team! We are pleased to announce Jeff B has been awarded the prestigious Tenure and Quality Award. Jeff is a very skilled caregiver and our clients love him. Jeff is ALWAYS on shift, on time and works very well with the office. Jeff generously helps out when the office team needs help. Jeff has been with us for 4 years and we have never had a single issue ever. Jeff is a prime example of an excellent team member. Jeff will receive a bonus for this award! Congratulations Jeff!

Breaking Apart the Misconceptions of Dementia

It can be overwhelming for the person who is struggling with dementia. This condition affects memory, comprehension, speech, and much more. There is a lot of confusion behind this condition. Some of the confusion stems from people not fully understanding the condition. If you have an elderly loved one who has dementia, it is important to educate yourself and other family members. Keep reading to learn more about some common dementia misconceptions. By learning about these misconceptions, you can provide and get better dementia care for your elderly loved one.

Dementia is Part of Aging

Many people think dementia is just a part of aging. They believe only people over 70 get diagnosed with this condition. However, there are young people in their 30’s who also have a dementia diagnosis. This is called early-onset dementia. Some studies show that the odds of someone being diagnosed with dementia are higher if they have a brain injury or nervous system disease – no matter how old they are. In addition, some people believe that everyone gets dementia after they reach a certain age. This isn’t true. Not everyone will have dementia when they get older.

Dementia Only Affects The Patient

Dementia often interferes with a person’s daily tasks due to the symptoms the person experiences. Some of the issues that occur include the following:

  • Difficulty with motor control
  • Issues with reasoning

Trouble completing everyday activities

If your elderly loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms, it means they will most likely need assistance from family members or friends. If this is too much or you can’t provide all the care, you can also hire senior care providers to help.

Dementia Can Be Cured

Unfortunately, at this time, there isn’t a cure for dementia. This condition deteriorates a person’s brain cells. However, the symptoms associated with dementia can often be managed for a while with various prescription medications. For example, if your elderly loved one has dementia, their doctor might prescribe them medications to help reduce anxiety and depression.

People with Dementia Become Violent

As a family caregiver, it is important to understand that people with dementia can become frustrated, confused, and often angry. It is quite common for a person with dementia to have aggressive tendencies from time to time. You and your family members can help reduce the aggressive behaviors by practicing patience, using good communications skills, and trying to understand what is behind your loved one’s aggravation. If these behaviors become too much for you to handle or watch, professional senior care providers can help out.


There are many misconceptions about dementia. If you ever have questions about dementia, it is best to talk directly to senior care providers who are trained in this disease and your elderly loved one’s doctors.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring senior care in Paradise Valley, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Welcome back Jeni!

Golden Heart Senior Care is excited to Welcome Back Jeni! Jeni first joined the team in 2015 as an excellent caregiver and worked for us for a long while. Jeni has always been a wonderful, compassionate caregiver who was always on shift.

Clients raved about her. Jeni had to leave for a while due to other commitments, but we have the great privilege of announcing her as our Evening and Weekend On Call Manager! When Jeni was gone, she ALWAYS stayed in touch with Rodney and me.

This is the third hire in a month joining the Office Team from the field. Rodney and I are big believers in promoting and developing people who want to grow and learn! Please join us in welcoming her back to the Golden Heart team.

Congratulations Melissa!

Good afternoon Golden Heart Team! A HUGE Congratulations to Melissa for winning the GOING ABOVE AND BEYOND AWARD for her extraordinary hard work to care for our clients. Melissa manages the office and field staff. It’s a huge responsibility and she ALWAYS brings HER BEST EVERYDAY! With a smile on her face. We are ALL so grateful for Melissa’s service. She will receive a bonus for her efforts! Thank you for your service to our clients and caregivers! Bravo Melissa!

How Can You Talk to Your Senior about Your Concerns for Her Health?

When you’re concerned about your senior’s health, particularly an issue that she doesn’t want to talk about, you have to address the situation carefully. These tips might help.

Open the Topic, but Let Her Guide the Talk

You might have been waiting a while for your elderly family member to bring up the topic of her health or of a specific health issue. If that doesn’t happen, though, you’ll need to bring it up yourself. The thing is, once you get the ball rolling, it’s important to let her guide how the talk goes. If now really turns out to be a bad time, you may have to try again another time. Maybe talking about her health or the idea of elderly care providers is difficult for her, so it could take several tries to get the conversation started.

Try not to Argue

It’s really important that you avoid arguing with your senior as much as you can. The purpose of this talk isn’t to start a fight, it’s to find a solution. There’s something that you’re concerned about, and you want to help. Whether you’re trying to suggest bringing in elderly care providers or you want your senior to talk to her doctor about health concerns, arguing isn’t going to do what you want.

Be Careful with Advice

You might think offering advice is a great idea, but it might go over worse than you expect. That’s especially the case if your senior hasn’t asked you for any advice. Try to be very careful with offering opinions and advice that you know your elderly family member isn’t going to like. Phrasing it as a question or mentioning it as an option may be a better approach.

Make Sure Your Senior Is Involved in Decisions

One of the reasons your elderly family member might not be too happy about discussing health issues can come down to independence. If your habit is to leave your senior out of the decision-making process, she’s more likely to balk. Give her choices and work with her to make those choices ones that meet her needs.

Take Notes so You Don’t Forget What You Decide Together

The worst thing that could happen after you and your senior do hash out a solution together is for you to forget what you both decided. It’s much better to take notes and to rephrase the final decision to your senior to make sure you both understand what you’ve worked out. This can help to avoid hurt feelings and mistrust later.

It doesn’t have to be a battle to share your concerns with your senior about her health. If you can work together, that’s much better for both of you. Making future decisions, especially about elderly care, takes a well thought-out plan and consideration. Knowing how elderly care can help with health issues for your parent before your conversation starts can help the two of you plan ahead.


If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring elderly care in Tempe, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!