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Overnight Monitoring and 24-hour Home Care

When seniors get to the point that they need a lot more care, families can quickly start to feel overwhelmed. The answer might just be bringing in 24-hour home care to help with overnight monitoring. This type of care offers essential support for seniors and for family members, keeping seniors safe and offering peace of mind to everyone.

Why Is Overnight Monitoring Important?

Overnight monitoring helps seniors to avoid accidents related to falls or wandering, especially when visibility is low or seniors might be more disoriented or unsteady on their feet. Comfort overnight, especially with help repositioning, can prevent discomfort and help seniors to rest more easily. Home care providers can also help with overnight issues related to visiting the bathroom and other needs.

Help with Bathroom Visits

For so many seniors, overnight bathroom visits can be challenging and even risky. When 24-hour home care providers are there, they can offer assistance with mobility, helping seniors avoid a fall. They can also offer discreet assistance, ensuring seniors maintain dignity and avoid issues related to needing to change clothes or clean up an unexpected situation.

Repositioning for Comfort

Many seniors who have mobility problems experience significant challenges overnight, especially when they need to move positions. Proper repositioning helps seniors avoid pressure sores and ensures they stay more comfortable overnight. Caregivers can check in on seniors quietly overnight, ensuring they aren’t showing signs of distress or discomfort.

Safety Monitoring and Emergency Help

Safety is a huge concern for families of aging adults, especially as their needs become more of a challenge to meet. Emergencies might feel as if they’re more likely to occur, too. Overnight monitoring ensures that someone is awake and ready to respond right away if seniors do need help. Caregivers are right there, so if seniors do need help in an emergency situation they can take care of whatever is happening.

Improved Quality of Life

Overnight monitoring with the help of 24-hour home care gives aging adults a better chance at having the quality of life that they want to have. Help monitoring health issues and keeping seniors comfortable gives seniors improved health outcomes. It also ensures that there’s someone else there watching for changes that indicate seniors need more help or additional attention from healthcare providers.

Helping Family Caregivers Get Uninterrupted Sleep

Something that family caregivers sometimes overlook is that it can be detrimental for them to not get the rest that they need. When there is someone else there, especially an experienced elderly care provider, family caregivers can get the sleep that they need to face the challenges of a new day. They’re better able to manage stress and keep their own health in check, which lets them continue to be there for the seniors they’re caring for daily.

Having help with overnight monitoring can be a huge relief for seniors and family caregivers alike. 24-hour home care providers can offer customized assistance that ensures seniors get exactly the support they need to stay safe and healthy.

If you or an aging loved one is considering 24-hour home care in Chandler, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Seven Creative Activities for Seniors with Limited Mobility

Spending time engaging in creative activities is so important for aging adults. It allows them to express themselves while also stimulating their brains. For seniors who have trouble with mobility, it’s important to find activities that are easy to do and that don’t cause more issues. Companion care at home can be a great answer for seniors who don’t need a whole lot of hands-on help, but do need more company.

Arts and Crafts

Crafting and engaging in art activities are a great way for seniors to express themselves without having to be incredibly mobile. This encompasses a wide range of different activities from painting and drawing to fiber arts like knitting, cross-stitching, or beading. These types of activities can be a lot more fun when there’s a companion there to talk to, so companion care at home is a great tool to help seniors have someone they can socialize with while being creative.

Puzzles and Games

Puzzles and games can be incredibly helpful for keeping seniors mentally active. They also don’t require a lot of mobility to fully enjoy the benefits. Some ideas to consider could include jigsaw puzzles, board games, crosswords, word searches, and sudoku. This is another type of activity that could be done alone, but could also be done with someone else.


When people think about creative activities, they tend to think of activities in which someone makes something, which isn’t a wrong interpretation. But reading, including listening to audiobooks, can also be a creative activity. It helps to keep the brain stimulated and it is also something that could be interactive and social if seniors want it to be. If seniors have trouble reading because of vision issues, home care providers can read to them, offering companionship along the way.


Listening to music, like reading, seems more like an activity where someone consumes something someone else made. But it can feed creativity and seniors may want to learn to make their own music, too. Learning to play an instrument is something that most people can do, even if their mobility is hindered for one reason or another.

Indoor or Container Gardening

Gardening can be very physically demanding and some seniors aren’t up for that. But they might have a better experience with container gardening or even starting a small indoor garden. This allows them to reap the benefits of gardening without having to exert themselves too much in the process.

Writing and Journaling

Writing is a powerful way for seniors to be creative and to express themselves. They might write short stories, poems, or other types of writing they want to share with others. They might also opt to write only for themselves or for close family members in a journal. However they choose to engage with writing, it can offer them serious mental health benefits without causing mobility challenges.

Mobility issues don’t have to hold seniors back from being creative. Companion care at home can make life easier and more social for seniors in so many ways, including by helping them to be more creative every day.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Chandler, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Help Your Loved One Declutter on National Give Something Away Day

Almost everyone gathers up more and more stuff as they age, especially if they’ve been living in the same home for decades. So many objects that were set aside or stored in a remote closet somewhere to be dealt with someday have remained in their spots for years gathering dust. The middle of July has a fun little holiday that can be just the incentive your loved one needs to do a bit of decluttering around the home. National Give Something Away Day promotes taking those once-loved objects and letting others enjoy them by giving them away.

The thought of going through that big closet at the top of the stairs and pulling out all of those boxes might seem a bit overwhelming for your senior loved one, and it might also be too physically demanding. Those obstacles make celebrating the day with the help of a family member or home care provider a must. It may not only be physically exhausting to open up all of those boxes or pull all of those clothes off the hooks, but it might be emotionally overwhelming as well. Many of those stored objects may also have memories with them that make giving them away extra difficult.

Let’s look at some steps your loved one can take with his home care provider to help make participating in National Give Something Away Day on July 15 more rewarding than stressful.

  • Start with the least sentimental first. Oftentimes, clothes are not sentimental. We just end up with too many of them because as we buy new outfits, we don’t get rid of the old. But if they no longer fit correctly or aren’t your loved one’s style anymore, it’s time to give them away so someone else can enjoy them. Your home care provider or family member can help by pulling items out of the closet one by one and showing them to your loved one to see if she wants to keep them, give them away, or throw the ones that are not in good enough shape to give away.
  • Start with just one box. If your loved one doesn’t want to go through all the boxes in the attic because there are just too many, suggest that you start with just one. It might help if you add a reward at the end such as you’ll go out for tea once you get through one entire box. When it comes to sentimental objects be empathetic and listen to why she wants to keep what and then honor those wishes as much as possible.
  • Make it personal. While clothes and shoes might be given to local thrift stores or second-hand stores, if your loved one has a lot of family heirlooms that are tucked away in the dark corners of storage places, you could suggest that she can give them to family members. Keeping those personal items in the family might make it easier for her to give away things that she has no use for but are still sentimental for her.

National Give Something Away Day is a great way to reuse and recycle items that may not be needed by your loved one anymore but will be greatly appreciated by others.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Scottsdale, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Talking About Senior Home Care with Aging Adults

As seniors age, their needs change. Sometimes that happens so gradually that they don’t realize that they need to be doing something different. Accepting the help of senior home care providers is one solution, but if seniors aren’t ready to hear about making this change, they might not be too excited about the idea. What can make a difference is how family members talk to seniors about this type of care.

What Does Senior Home Care Do?

First, it helps to know what senior home care does. This type of care is designed to support aging adults in their own homes with tasks that they need help managing. Home care can handle things like light housekeeping, helping out with personal care tasks, making meals, and so much more. What they do is more dependent on what seniors need help managing than anything else.

Prepping for the Talk

Before starting up a conversation about elder care services and bringing them into a senior’s life, it’s a good idea to do some prep work. Identifying current needs and considering how those needs might change in the future helps when looking at how senior home care can help. It’s also a good idea to consider what health issues seniors are facing now and later.

Choosing the Right Setting

Timing is always important with big conversations and this one is no different. Family caregivers should choose a time and place when everyone involved is relaxed and open to talking about big topics. If there’s a lot of stress happening, shift the conversation to a later time.

Engaging with Empathy

The idea of bringing in home care assistance can feel threatening sometimes for aging adults. Thinking about the topic from their perspective helps family caregivers understand more about why this might be tough for seniors to talk about. Try to keep that in mind and engage with empathy instead of trying to make the conversation cut and dry.

Highlighting Benefits and Finding Solutions

Focusing on benefits and solutions can sometimes be the key to helping seniors embrace home care. This is where the research about current and future needs can pay off. Comparing how senior home care can help aging adults with what they need help doing can be a fast way to help them see why this is a good idea.

Listening and Addressing Concerns

It’s normal for seniors to have questions and concerns about such a big change. When family caregivers take the time to actively listen and understand why seniors are concerned, everybody benefits. It’s always possible that there’s merit to what seniors are worried about. Finding the answers and alleviating the concerns builds trust.

Take Small Steps

Finally, it’s never a good idea to make immediate changes and to tell seniors that they have to simply accept this new type of help. A better option is to take small steps and go with a trial period. This allows seniors to have time to adjust and to get a feel for what senior home care is all about.

Senior home care offers tons of benefits, but burying those in a conversation that didn’t go well doesn’t help anyone. Tackling the conversation the right way can help seniors and family caregivers get the help they need.


If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Tempe, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Five Ways Companion Care at Home Supports Disabled Seniors

Disabled aging adults face a variety of different issues on a daily basis, making it tougher for them to do just about everything. One of the most difficult challenges is often getting the social interaction that they need in order to protect their emotional well-being. Companion care at home can offer some solutions that help disabled seniors to live healthier and happier lives.

Addressing Unique Challenges

Seniors who are disabled experience difficulty in so many areas of life. They may have trouble with mobility, they may have sensory impairments, or they may be dealing with cognitive challenges. All of these issues make it difficult for disabled seniors to meet up with friends, spend time with family members, and have the social lives they want to have. Finding companionship through caregivers is an excellent solution.

Recognizing When Seniors Need Additional Help

Family caregivers who don’t live near disabled seniors may need to ask more probing questions to determine when their aging family members need more help. In some instances, it may be time for help from home care providers. Home care assistance can handle hands-on help with daily tasks, also spending time with seniors and keeping them company. Seniors who are lonely and don’t spend a lot of time with other people benefit greatly from companion care at home.

Personalizing Activities for Seniors’ Abilities and Interests

One benefit from having experienced caregivers visiting seniors to keep them company is that they can put together personalized plans for moving forward. Companion caregivers get to know the seniors they’re helping and they understand what seniors can do, what they enjoy, and how they want to spend this time together. From there, they put together a customized experience meant to bring disabled seniors as much joy as possible.

Offering Emotional Support and Encouragement

Many seniors may not realize just how important emotional support and encouragement are until they have someone there to offer both. For disabled seniors especially, it can help immensely to have someone there to talk about how they’re feeling and to share the challenges they’re experiencing. Companion caregivers are great listeners and they can help seniors to feel heard and understood.

Respecting Seniors’ Needs and Preferences

Companion care at home is about ensuring that seniors have all of the social interaction that they need and want. That doesn’t mean that each senior has the same care plan, however. Companion caregivers are there to meet each senior where they are, respecting that person’s preferences and needs equally. That might mean that some seniors only want visits a few times a month, while others want to see companion caregivers more often. The flexibility of this type of care can accommodate those differences.

Seniors who are already facing challenges because of disability may not be able to get out and be social as much as they want. But with the help of companion care at home, friendly caregivers can come to them on their own schedule and ensure that seniors are getting their emotional needs met.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Tempe, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

How To Help Your Senior Parent Find The Right Medical Care

When you start taking care of a senior parent that is aging in place, one thing that you may need to help them do is find appropriate medical care in their area. Finding good medical care can be overwhelming, especially for seniors. Navigating the maze of what providers are in the insurance network but also provides the care that your senior parent needs can be confusing. Beyond medical care, hiring senior home care to offer non-medical support is crucial to your parent living safely and comfortably at home.

When it comes to finding the right medical care for your senior parent, these tips should help you make sure that your loved one is getting the care they need:

Look For A Geriatrician

Seniors should have a primary care doctor that is a geriatrician. A doctor that specializes in medical care for seniors is the best person to provide referrals and other healthcare that seniors need. They also are the best doctors to perform routine exams and screenings.

Compile Your Senior Parent’s Medical Records

Create a comprehensive medical history for your senior parent. Include information about current medications, past surgeries, allergies, and any chronic conditions. Having this information easily available can streamline communication with healthcare providers. Keep a digital copy and also keep several hard copies that can be given to doctors or medical providers.

Check Their Insurance Coverage And Network

Verify your parent’s insurance coverage and understand the details of their plan. This includes knowing the network of providers covered, copays, deductibles, and any pre-authorization requirements. This information will guide your choices in selecting healthcare providers.

Schedule Regular Check-ups

Your senior parent is going to need yearly checkups for general health as well as things like vision and hearing screenings, cancer screenings, and other routine appointments. Schedule those now because getting those appointments can be difficult and the wait times can be long.

Request Referrals, Then Follow Up

If your senior parent has medical conditions that require specialty care put in the request for referrals with their primary care doctor or the insurance company, then follow up after a week or so to make sure the referrals come through. You will need to referral to schedule any kind of specialty care for your senior parent.

Research Healthcare Facilities In The Area

In case of an emergency, you must know where your senior parent wants to be treated. Sit down with them and research local facilities that are in-network for their insurance. Make sure it’s written down in their health plan notes what emergency room they want to be taken to if there is a need for emergency care. Also make note of what hospital they prefer. It’s also a good idea to write this information on a sheet of paper and post it on the fridge, next to the phone, or in some other central place in case the senior home care provider needs it someday.

If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Phoenix, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

How to Support Your Loved One When She Quits Smoking

November 16 is the Great American Smokeout Day. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, this day serves as a possible starting point for those who wish to kick the habit of smoking tobacco and begin a smoke-free life.

If you are providing care for a loved one who is a long-term smoker, you have seen the toll that smoking can take on her. From health issues to financial issues to cleanliness issues, smoking permeates every aspect of a person’s life, and not for the better. Most long-term smokers have tried quitting multiple times and find themselves getting frustrated over trying again, but along with that, most quitters found it took multiple attempts. This year may be the year your loved one quits successfully and completely.

As their loved one and caregiver, you can support them along this journey. You should also enlist others to be a part of their “cheer team,” such as other family members, friends, neighbors, and senior home care providers. All can rally alongside your loved one as she attempts to break free of the bonds of smoking.

But what can you specifically do? Here are five ways you can support your loved one as she begins her Great American Smokeout.

  • Ask her what she’d like as you support her. Does she want you to check in multiple times a day? Or would she prefer you don’t constantly ask about it? Follow her lead to support her.
  • Be ready to be ready. Your loved one may say she doesn’t want to check in much, but then calls you or texts you multiple times during those first few days for support. Be willing to be flexible, especially at the beginning. Talk to her senior care provider about providing additional support during that time to help over the first hump.
  • Ask about more than just smoking. When you check-in, don’t make it all about the smoking. Ask about how her body is feeling. How is she emotionally getting by? What new things did she discover today since she’s not smoking (maybe she went on a new walk with her senior home care provider or tried a new recipe to distract herself)? Try to keep it upbeat and positive.
  • Resist the urge to nag or shame. Even if she slips up, remind her about how proud you are that she’s trying and that you are there for her no matter how it goes.
  • Offer more outings. Distraction is a big part of quitting. Your loved one needs her mind on something other than smoking, so plan more outings to keep her occupied. Ask her senior care provider to also help her find ways to get out of the home and her mind off of the nicotine.

Quitting is a journey, and often a long one that may not be a very straight or smooth path. It’ll have a lot of bumps and turns, but your loved one will have more success navigating it if she has your support.


If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in Mesa. AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

Has Your Dad Talked About Aging in Place?

Aging in place is choosing to remain living at home in the twilight years of life. It’s what your dad wants, and you want to ensure he’s able to. Before he can, he needs to take a few measures to make sure he’s able to safely age in his current home. Here are a few important steps to take, and how elder care can help ensure he remains safe at home.

Heighten Safety Around His Home

Take measures to improve safety around your dad’s home. Add grab bars around his toilet and inside and outside of his shower. If he needs help keeping his balance, the grab bars are there. Non-slip bath mats and shower seats may also be useful.

In his living room and main living areas, make sure furniture is arranged in such a way that your dad has plenty of room to walk without tripping over things or stubbing his toe. Check that there are no loose or uneven hardwood boards, torn carpeting, or electrical cords that are in the way. If there are decorative rugs, remove them or make sure they have rubberized backing.

Where is his bedroom? If it’s upstairs, is he steady on the stairs or does he have a hard time getting up and down the stairs safely? Would a stairlift help or could you move his bedroom to the main floor?

How Is His Health?

Does your dad have health issues? Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol may have him taking prescription medications every day. If he forgets to take his medications, is anyone available to remind him?

If your dad has several medical appointments or therapy sessions throughout the month, is he able to drive himself? If not, who brings him? Would it help to have a caregiver available for transportation?

Is he supposed to exercise every day? Does he like to walk by himself or does he avoid it and skip the recommended exercise his doctor wants him to do? If he’d be more likely to take a daily walk if someone else joined him, make sure there is someone with him for his daily walks.

Plan and Cook Meals

If your dad is tempted to eat canned soup, ramen cups, frozen pizza, and other heat-and-eat meals, try to get him to focus on home-cooked meals. A ramen cup may be easy to prepare and taste good, but it contains over 1,100 mg of sodium. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 1,500 mg per day.

Instead, focus on meals that contain lean protein, whole grains, and fresh produce. Dairy is good for calcium and vitamin D. Keeping salt to a minimum is ideal, and easy to do when you cook from scratch and use herbs and spices instead.

Book Elder Care Services

Support your dad’s goal of aging in place by arranging elder care. He’ll have caregivers with him to cook meals, clean his home, and do the laundry. Your dad will have a driver when he needs to run errands, and company when he’s going for walks or shopping. Learn more about elder care by talking to an advisor.

If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in Mesa, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

World Listening Day: Take Your Mom Outside for a Day in Nature

July 18th was established by the World Listening Project as a day to head outside and sit and listen to the soothing sounds of nature. It’s a good day for family caregivers to get outside, unwind, and listen to what’s out there.

A Yale report looked at more than 1,000 studies of “Nature Deficit Disorder,” and found that nature has a powerful restorative benefit. When people feel safe when they’re out in nature, it can lower their blood pressure, lower the stress hormones flowing throughout their body, reduce stress, improve their immune system response, and boost their mood.

As a family caregiver, you likely experience a lot of stress as you become a parent to your parent. Take a day off and go outside with your mom. Whether you go to a local park or sit in the backyard, stop and listen to the birds, listen to the water in a nearby stream or river or as it laps the lakeshore or coastline, and enjoy being outside in nature for a change.

Forget about your chores for the day. Focus on the important ones like making sure your mom has food and water and takes her medications on time. Things like vacuuming, dusting, and laundry can wait a day. It won’t hurt anything if you have a relaxed day out for a change.

Use Apps for Identifying Bird and Animal Sounds

You’d be surprised by how many bird sounds you can probably identify already. But, there are apps you can find online that allow you to record a snippet of a bird’s song or animal’s cry. Submit them to the app and it will tell you what you’re hearing.

Cornell Labs’ Ask Merlin is a highly-rated app for identifying bird calls. It’s a good place to start. If you’re looking to identify animal sounds, iNaturalist is one of the best options.

Apps Can Identify Animals by Picture, Too

One of the neatest features of Google Photos is that you can take your photo and have Google Lens identify it. Take a photo of a bird you see flitting in the trees, and Google Lens will tell you what it is.

Experience the Benefits of Companion Care at Home

When you’re not with your mom, is she alone? Does she often experience loneliness? Companion care at home services is an excellent solution. Instead of being alone all day, every day, a caregiver stops by to keep her company.

Your mom’s caregiver is there to help her with housework, cook and share meals, and take her shopping. If your mom has an appointment and hates going alone, her companion can accompany her. Learn more about companion care at home by calling a specialist with your list of questions.


If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Apache Junction, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!

How Companion Care at Home Makes Shopping And Errands Fun For Seniors

When it comes to grocery shopping and running errands, most people will say they consider them a chore rather than a treat. This is probably true for many seniors, especially if they no longer drive, have difficulty walking or struggle to stay motivated alone. This is where companion care at home can step in and provide the companionship and physical and mental support a senior needs to get their errands done. They can even make it fun! If your senior parent is needing both companionship and a helping hand, here are some of the ways companion care at home can help:

Making Getting There Half The Fun

Seniors who don’t drive anymore often hate running errands because it’s a reminder that they can’t drive themselves anymore. They may feel like a burden or even put off doing errands they need to do because they don’t want to ask for help or rides. But with companion care at home seniors have a dedicated driver who will make getting around half the fun of the trip. Listening to music or podcasts, chatting, and enjoying the drive will make errands a lot more fun for seniors.

Taking The Heavy Lifting Out Of Shopping

Part of the reason why shopping is difficult for seniors is that it can be tough for seniors physically to lift items, put them in a cart, unload them onto the checkout, and lift heavy bags out of the cart into the car. Seniors who are shopping with companions have someone they can depend on to do the heavy lifting for them. That way seniors can enjoy shopping without having the physical challenge of shopping. And a companion can also help seniors with things like figuring out their budget and keeping track of their money.

Encouraging Coffee Breaks And Snacks

Coffee and snack breaks are the best part of any errands trip. A caregiver will encourage your senior loved one to take regular breaks to get something to drink and a delicious snack to keep their blood sugar up. This is a great way for seniors to get the social engagement they need to help fight depression and anxiety. And seniors who tend to not eat enough could definitely use a few snack breaks for treats like cookies or even a delicious restaurant lunch.

Helping Seniors Put Everything Away After The Errands Are Done

Seniors are often exhausted at the end of an errands trip, especially if they had appointments like hair cut or nail appointments too. With companion care at home, seniors can go rest after the exertions of the day while their companion puts away their purchases, cleans up bags and receipts and clutter, and makes a hot cup of tea and a snack that they can enjoy while talking about everything they did on that errands trip. Your senior loved one will thrive when they have companion care at home to help with things like shopping or errands.

If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Fountain Hills, AZ, please call the caring staff at Golden Heart Senior Care of Scottsdale at (480) 284-7360. We are here to help!